Gorsline Databases

Places to Start

Register Report for Jacob {Gosselin} Gorsline compiled by Lyle Gorsline of Alberta, Canada. This database at Family Tree Maker expands the Gorsline Family Chart (see below) with personal notes and letters. It is the most comprehensive listing of all the Gorslines - including current generations - that I know of.

Register Report for John Gorsline also compiled by Lyle Gorsline. This comprehensive database lists the Canadian branch of the Gorsline family to current generations. These two resources are valuable references for finding where your family branch "fits" into the larger tree.

The Gorsline Family Chart of 1942 is one place to begin if you are serious about researching the Gorsline surname. This foundational database was compiled in 1942 by Samuel Gilbert Gorsline of Battle Creek, Michigan, and documents a number U.S. family branches for 9 generations. The database begins with Jacob Gosselin III, born in London, 1669, and who settled on Long Island, NY, about 1700. It is available from the FamilySearch Library (LDS*) for a small fee. Ask for FHL US/CAN Pedigree File #1358.

Gorsline/Gorssline Families, ca. 1769-1958 compiled by Lura A. Gorsline for the Clem Family Reunion in 1959. The Gorsline branch (mainly of Indiana) falls under Sarah Ellen Clem who married James Thomas Gorsline in 1880 and is found on pages 20-25. This family tree booklet is available on microfilm from the FamilySearch Library (LDS) and can be ordered for viewing from your nearest LDS family history center.

* Note: LDS refers to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Their Family History Library (FHL) is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Family history centers are housed in many local LDS churches.